Password Requirements
Passwords are case sensitive and must be: - Minimum length of 8 characters long
- Different from the assigned User ID
Additionally, all passwords must contain: - At least one uppercase or lowercase letter
- At least one number and at least one special character (special characters include ! @ $ % * ( ) < > ? : ; { } + - ~)
- Maximum failed password attempts before account lockout after 10 attempts
For password security, it is recommended that passwords should NOT: - Contain any dictionary word
- Contain any proper noun or the name of any person, pet, child or fictional character, nor any employee serial number, Social Security number, birth date, phone number or any information that could be readily guessed about the creator of the password
- Contain any simple pattern of letters or numbers, such as "qwerty" or "xyz123"
- Be any word, noun or name spelled backwards
If you're account is locked out, contact the program administrator.
Password Reset
To reset your password: - Click Forgot Password or from the login page.
- Enter your user ID or email address and click 'Submit'
- You will receive an email with your new password
If you're unable to reset your password, contact the program administrator.
Change Password
To change your password: - Click on your user name (upper right-hand corner)
- From the drop down menu select Change Password
- Fill in the required fields and click 'Change Password'
If you're unable to change your password, contact the program administrator.
Forgot User ID
To Find out your user ID - Your User ID is the email address you entered when registering the account.
If you're unable to find out your user ID, contact the program administrator.
Additional Access
Already a registered user and need access to additional sites - Do not register again
- Return to the MN-DPS Application Portal site
- Select the site you would like access to
- Login using your secure portal credentials
- You will receive an access denied prompt; however, will be provided with an option to submit a request for access to the site
- Submit the request for access
Program Administrators